Sandra's Designing Blog

This is an exclusive area of my web site where you can find out more about my knitted designs, what inspires me, how I work and what I like (and don't like) to design. 
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» Listings for October 2015

  1. So chuffed that one of my knitting pattern ideas got accepted by Simply Knitting a few months ago (in fact 4 ideas did ! but more of that another day). I have had to keep my design under wraps since the very day the editor Kirstie said "Yes" . Its a simple idea, bringing together some of the best qualities of knitting. Come this time of year I love cables, I love knitting them, I love wearing them so the idea had to have some cables. It also had to have some mosaic knitting incorporated in. This is a new style of colourwork that I only came across a few months ago and I think its ace! And those two knitting techniques combined with two really soft colours in the really soft baby angora yarn bring us ------


    Readers , if you knit the cowl you must let me know how you get on.